Saturday, April 7, 2007

Welcome to TheFraudKahuna's Blog!

Welcome to TheFraudKahuna's blog! Glad to have you on board. Today surfing, buying, selling, chating, just about anything online or mobile can incur risks. And many risks are not well known or understood by the surfing public. The purpose of this blog is to educate and to communicate. In a very general sense, I will be discussing current fraud trends, fraud practices, and anything else relating to the space of fraud without of course exposing any of the actual technologies deployed by various fraud management companies.

What's most interesting to me are the actual "use cases" of fraud. What are the criminals doing out there today? Sometimes just exposing the mo of fraudsters is enough to give each of us clues on how to spot them and stop them.

While this blog is about fraud, I do not expect to see a whole lot of discussion from fraud investigators sharing best practices here. Just remember this blog is a public space...

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