Wednesday, October 31, 2007

NCFTA...more help is on it's way!!!

I recently visited the guys at NCFTA. Check out their web-site at This is a new organization focused on the exchange of intelligence data. I fully support their charter. In their own words...

The National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance provides a neutral collaborative venue where critical confidential information about cyber incidents can be shared discreetly, and where resources can be shared among industry, academia and law enforcement.

The Alliance facilitates advanced training, promotes security awareness to reduce cyber-vulnerability, and conducts forensic and predictive analysis and lab simulations.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Do you know where your PC has been?

I was looking at a device the other day (PC) in our database. It had been flagged with repeat counts of identity theft in 1 particular vertical market. I then looked at the other markets this PC has visited. What I found interesting was this: although they have been repeatedly flagged for identity theft in the target market, but at the same time, they have been flagged with no fraudulent activity in any other markets; they appear to be "good" citizens in other community while a "bad egg" in the other.

Has anyone else seen this sort of profile by fraudsters?